Niko Tii Nurmi Sipiläinen – He Wdet Welinet / Hem Newe Media

YLÄKERTA | 23.9.-10.10.2017

He Wdet Welinet

Waltaosa taiteiliojsta ciriota hacemvxia, lveteloi ansioitan, pite neytelyite, cvwa ja cvwaile teoxien. Heile iotca eiwet ceyte neite tööwaiheita taitesan, he ouat vlcotaitelista toiminta: tööskentely apvrahan samisexi mahdolista oicean tööskentelyn; galeria on tyhie tila ione itze teos panan neytile; navhvri taltioi hilja warsinaista esityste.

Ehcä neme tele hetcele taiteiliojden jajetumat welinet ouat wdenlaisen, tese aiasa meite paremin puhutelevan taiten welineite. Miten iocin sirtyme welineste tai menetelmeste toisen mulista cokemusta voi tuntea vain hene tapahtuesa. Cexintö halcaise aian cahtia: aican ennen ia aican iälcen. Cun sirtyme on ohi, wsi weline on lesne caikes.

Mesopotamialaiset neciwet nelie tuhata woota siten miten ciwenhacatu laci muti heide elemense, Gutenberg pooli woosituhata siten miten cirianpainanta muti cirjalisuta ja Agricola himan mööhemin mite somen kieliste iej pois hene mahdutaesan heite latinalaise akoston. Mite somen ciriakieli oli Agricolale, on meile esimercixi internet ja tecoely. Muistan aian ennen internetie, muten osa cuwitela tulewaisuta ilman hente. Eleme viele aica ennen tecoely muta io hene odotuxensa on mutanut caiken.

Cunelcam sijs tarqemin heite – nimme iol esiteydyme, ceytetyimpie hymiöitäme, apvrahahakemuxisame wilisewie awainsanoia – iotca tietevet enite paitzi itzesten möös meiste, coska loome heide cansan oma itzeheme.

Hem Newe Media

Moste artistae writen applicaciouns, listen achevementes, putten on showes, taken pyctures and videoes of thyne peces. Thes aren extra-artistic activités to thes artistae hwo doth ne enclude nat hem in thyne werkes: the werke thats putten into getting a grante maketh possible the reale artistic werke; the galerie is an emty space wher oan displayeth thyne art werkes; the recordour scilente captureth the actuel performaunce.

Thes media hwo aren moste wydly schered by artistes today may be the media of a newe kynde of art hwo betre speaketh to us in thes tymes. Hwu a schift from one medium to the other rocketh oans entere experience can onlych be felt as they are happening. Enventions splitteth tyme in twa: to the tyme before and the tyme after. Whan the schift to a newe medium hath happened, the newe medium informeth everything elles to.

The mesopotamians sawn sum fower millennia ago hwu the lawe, inscribede in stan, chaungede their lyfs, Gutenberg 600 yeers ago observede hwu mechanical reproduction changede literatuer and a litel latere Agricola saw what was left oute from the Finnish languages when he hem transcribeth in Latin scripte. What the written Finnish language was to Agricola, the internet and artificial intelligence aren to us. I remembrst the tyme before the internet but can ne imaginst nat a future withouten hem. We are stille living the tyme before artificial intelligence but hir waiting hath alredi changede everything.

Laet us listen more carefully to hem – the nomes we usen to introducen oureselves, oure moste frequently usede emoji, the buzzwordes in oure applicaciouns – hwo know moste nat onely aboute hemselves but alswa aboute us, as its with hem that we schape oure identities and thus oureselves.